Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Question

I have a question. If you take a test, and you don't know an answer to a questions, then it's your fault for not studying, right? Well, normally that's the case. For my science midterm, it's not. Our teacher did not tell us what to do during a volcano erruption, I checked our packet; it didn't say. Guess what was on the midterm? What to do during a volcano erruption. When my class asked him about it, he just dodged the question. Does that make anyone else annoyed? 

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year

Happy New Year! It's strange, but although Sunday was January 1st, today is the legal New Year's Day. I'm not complaining though; any day off from school is okay in my book!
I never keep my resolutions. Sure, I follow them for a few weeks, maybe a month or two. But I always stop, because I don't have enough time. This year I am determined to keep my resolutions. One of them is that I will update this blog at least once every 2 weeks, prefferably more.
Hope you had a merry Christmas (or Hanukkah, or Kwanza, or any other holiday) and a happy New Year!